I have installed a "Singapore" dedicated photo/album/slide-viewer bit of software here and an account (a gallery) may be set-up per person if anyone wants one.
The good thing about it is that images uploaded are resized automatically to fit within the theme, and it works well, so long as they are not peculiar file types. They may also be batch-uploaded when in .zip format. It may save huge images breaking the format of the forum at any rate
I don't see it replacing posting images inline with the forum comments and descriptions, but for general aircraft, flying and fun shots you want to share it's good.
Remember, galleries are set-up individually and just as you can add to that gallery and create sub-galleries of your own, you can also delete your own, only. If you delete your own 'head gallery' by mistake, I would have to create another for you.
Generic passwords are created initially, which may be changed once logged in.
Any takers?
Photos Section
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