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G-ENIE moved home

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:53 pm
by Ripley
Good day to every one this is just to advise you that G-ENIE has moved to Bedfordshire , are there any other Nippers in the area ? Regards RiP Very Happy

Re: G-ENIE moved home

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:59 pm
by Neil Spooner
Hi Ripley,
Welcome aboard the Nipper "Grin", if you would like PM me with your direct email address and I can add you to the updates on Nipper events I try to organise througout the year.
Happy 2010, look forward to meeting up.
ps, Colchester, Essex based

Re: G-ENIE moved home

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:50 pm
by Ripley
Hi there Niel , I am up in Bedfordshire I have my own strip in Oakley Beds . I have not flown G-ENIE as yet , only arraived just before the snow .
Please keep me on your list
By the way how does one get in touch with " Nipper Kits and Componetnts " ?

Regards RiP

Re: G-ENIE moved home

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:55 pm
Hi Ripley

Welcome to the 'creche', good to have you on board. I'm not too far away from you at Crowland Nr Peterborough. Alan Ayles is yer man for Nipper Kits Tel or Fax 01689 858351.



Re: G-ENIE moved home

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:01 pm
by Neil Spooner
Hi Robert,
Consider yourself part of the "clan"......I will include you in any proposed meetings, any suggestions welcome.
You are not too far away, fancy a meet soon.......wx permitting of course! My local strip is about 1 mile from my house, but I am more than pleased to have an excuse to fly out somewhere.
Alan is the chap to speak to, he has a very large inventory, but not the fastest to deal with, so you will need patience, but I have found him fine to deal with, very trusting.
Good luck,