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Bringing a Nipper home...

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:45 pm
by Mr.Tipsy
Me being a huge fan of the Nipper isn't new, but having bought one is!

I just purchased HB-SPN from Charles Tornay.

SPN was the last Nipper finished by Slingsby for Nipper Aircraft.
Little was known about this aircraft as it had not flown for over 35 years.
But some weeks ago Charles told me he wanted to sell the project and so the negotiations started..

I talked to Raymond (because he will help me with the restoration) and he was also very interested to bring a Nipper back to Belgium
(as there are only 2 left in Belgium!!)

Lots of talks with the douane-services and lots of emails and calls later, there were still many doubts about whether everything
would be working out or not.
But last monday we finally got the green-light. All the papers were made and we borrowed a 4meter trailer for the transport.

Saturday early morning we (Raymond, my dad and I) left Antwerp Airport heading for Sion.
After a night-stop at Birrfeld (meeting up some friends) we arrived on Sunday around noon.

First of all we went to Bex to have a look at Charles other Nipper HB-SPQ which had some engine-problems.
Then after a picknick in the mountains (with a lovely scenery) we drove the place were SPN had been stored for over 20 years.

Loading everything on the trailer wasn't such an easy job. (Lots of pieces for such a small aircraft Wink )
Luckily we were well prepared and we had already brought a big wooden case with us to put all the pieces in.

After about three hours everything was well tightened and ready to go. But we were exhausted and so we stayed another night in a local hotel.

Monday-morning after a quick stop with the douanes, we left on our journey back to Belgium.
Everything went very well, no parts came loose and everything arrived safely at our house.

Now all the pieces are in the garage waiting to be sorted out and stored.

The restoration won't start within a couple of years as I will first have to finish my studies and earn some more money.

But still I'm very very happy having my own Nipper Very Happy

ps: could the moderator change my username into OO-WBR? As that will be the new registration (Willem and Bob Rongé)



Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:13 pm
THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! You lucky guy. I had to wait until age 26 before I got mine!
You have the luxury of having plenty of time to get the money together and restore it as slowly as you wish, to the quality that you wish.
I guess you will also be making plans to get a PPL in the next couple of years. So much to look forward to.
I will try to see how you can change username or if I can do it for you.
Just out of interest how did you manage to upload the pictures? I cannot find the 'upload picture' button on my forums!
Keep us all updated as things progress.


Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:40 pm
by Mr.Tipsy
Hi Paul,

I will indeed have to start my PPL, I'm already flying sailplanes though, so it won't be that hard.

I uploaded the pictures to my website and then linked to this post (will make a special threat about it).

I will keep you all informed.