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Rotax 912

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:53 pm
by barrietowers
Hi all

Has anyone one fitted, or thinking about fitting a Rotax 912? Comments on the Pro's and Con's and other issues / problems, would be helpfull


Barrie Towers

Re: Rotax 912

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:18 pm
by Pat Blenkinsopp

Interesting thought Smile Equally has anyone considered the Belgian UL 260 ? I understand that if there is enough interest the designer/manufacturer might be willing to produce an inverted kit for this engine it is already produced with fuel injection so no worries on the fuel side of life, and it seems to me that the rear of the engine is uncluttered enough to allow you to move it rearwards an inch or two to compensate for the slightly greater weight compared to the Jabiru. This is a option that needs much closer examination.

All the best,