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Leaking Exhaust Valves

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:52 pm
Help!! Its driving me mad Shocked
The exhaust valves (stb side) on my 1834cc Vdub keep on developing a leak. The valve guides have recently been replaced as I thought the cause of the problem was worn guides, and the seats recut. Tappet clearance .006". Compression ratio 7.5:1. I run the engine on Avgas (had a couple of scary moments on Mogas vapour lock and all that).
Any suggestions/help would be appreciated Very Happy .

Merry Christmas and a Nippering new year to one and all.



Re: Leaking Exhaust Valves

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:52 pm
by Neil Spooner
Hi Stuart,
I have had the same problem, removed head, recut seats, reassembled to find the same again later......I am just keeping an eye on it, the leakage doesn't seem to be getting any worse, and when I fly mine it is wide open throttle most of the time while I am doing aero's for 15-20mins at a time.
Happy New Year, look forward to seeing you in the New Year.