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LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:42 am
Hello All,
Some of you may be aware that David from Leburg had hung his hat up and stopped production.
I sent him an email last week to check if this was the case, and it is. However he tells me that some friends of his have persuaded him to do another limited run of kits. If you are thinking about changing to Leburg or getting some spare boxes in your stock in case of future failure (as I am!) then now is probably the only time to do it.
His contact details are on the net, just type 'Leburg' into Google. Drop him a line and tell him what you want.
It really is a case of miss it and miss out. I don't know the time scale he is talking to produce the next batch, but you should have time to save up to buy them if funds are a little tight.
Bear in mind that there are rarely second hand ones available.
Fly safe.
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:06 pm
by Neil Spooner
Hi Paul,
Thanks for that, I spoke with David today, he is having a batch made and I have put my name down for one to carry as a spare.
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:07 pm
by Tipsy Flyer
Hi Paul,
Sorry for the silly question but with your present ignition set up, do you need battery power and if so, how are you recharging the battery?
Had a look on the Sonerai site and some guys are using an system called Compufire, which will need a battery source of some sort...interesting!
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:08 am
by Neil Spooner
Hi Glen,
In the absence of Pauls reply......
Have a look at the Leburg website ( ), it tells you pretty much all you need to know. I have the system on my Nipper, and have only good to say about it and am quite suprised that it is being discontinued. It is easy to install, comes with very good instructions, you will have to source an alternator, but I did not have a problem with that, starting hot and cold is excellent. You will need to install a pair of batteries which are charged off of the alternator. The whole lot is very slightly heavier than the old SR44 magneto setup, but you have now got a charging system and batteries to support anything you want. Having seen the alternatives I would recommend the Leburg system.
I have ordered a spare unit just in case, but have not heard of any reliability problems.
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:24 pm
Hello Glen,
Sorry I haven't replied. Three reasons, one because Neil beat me to it, two I needed the time to write a decent reply and three Robin Willgoss who fitted my Leburg has offered to do a write up on the system and its fitting on this site.
When he gets time that should make a better read than I could have managed!
Over to you Robin....
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:57 am
by Neil Spooner
I have just watched the youtube video of XD being started ( ) and a couple of things sprang to mind, one is the syringe of fuel for priming: both messy and dangerous, and the other is the impulse magneto I can hear............I thought that the use of the impulse magneto was a no no with the Lucas SR4s as the impulse coupling tended to break, leaving you with no ignition. I am happy to be corrected on both counts.
The other videos of G-NIPR looping and rolling are v' nice ( )
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:04 pm
by JAB
In answer to Neil's questions:
When the engine was changed to an Acro the owner decided for some reason not to fit a primer as Barry Smith suggested. Therefore, at present and until I have means to fit a priming system, the only way to prime the engine for a quick start is by syringe - I do not see what is dangerous about that.
The mags fitted are D4RN-3000 I am unaware of an impulse problem as suggested maybe someone could enlighten me?
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:23 pm
by Neil Spooner
Hi Jab,
Its only the thought of squirting a highly flammable liquid under an engine cowling that bothers me!
The Lucas SR4 series impulse mag's had a problem when used with a chain drive, as the chain pulled sideways on the shaft causing failure of the magneto shaft, that led to loss of drive of both mags as the chain was lost. Wether that affects your setup I don't know. On the original posting I did specify the magneto type.
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:45 am
by JAB
Hi Neil
Thanks for that. A little bit of the right stuff down the throttle goes a long way.
I will try and seek out info re my mags and post a reply for all. It's what makes this forum.
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:10 pm
by Tipsy Flyer
Hi all,
I am fortunate that my motor has a single side draft solex carb with a exelarator pump and the standard distributor ignition. This combo resulted in instant starting.
Two full "pumps" with the thottle lever, crack open the thottle a few mm's and one or two swings on the prop and she starts.
Is that Paul flying NIPR, very nice indeed!!
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:08 pm
Hello Glen,
Yes the youtube vids are of me flying my aircraft, although they were filmed back in 2002, when it was G-AVXC.
The loops and rolls were over the South coast of England, and the 'zig zag' flying was over the Isle Of Wight.
I took the vid with a primitive digital camera that just allowed 30 secs of vid footage. I have a better camera now and might try again. I just held the camera, set the throttle and flew it round the loop. No power changes, no spare hands!
Re: LEBURG Ignition system - Important
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:59 am
by Tipsy Flyer
Cool, like the way the airspeed indicator go's around the dial from nothing to 90 knots in a flash. Paul, is YouTube a pay site? Must get a video card for my PC, then i can dump UAD's test flight onto disc and upload to YT. I will have to buy a small prosumer camera for video capture(CCD), i'm using a DSLR(C-MOS) for stills.
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