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Replacement of nose leg bungee

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 3:15 pm
by Neil Spooner
I had the need to remove and replace a 1080 nose bungee yesterday. I thought I would share the method I used. This bungee mod is fairly common as the nieman rings are no longer available. The “top hat” is modified to allow the bungee to fit right over the top of the leg.
Remove fuel tank.
Lubricate the bungee with KY jelly to help it settle.
Fit the bungee to the ears at sides and one loop at the top.
Place a decent piece of wood on top of the fuselage tubes.
Loop a good quality webbing strap under the bungee cord and over the scissor jack, clamp the ends together with vice grips.
Raise the jack so the bungee clears the top hat.
Once the load is off of the strap it can be pulled out to the side.
Job done.
Clearly there is an awful lot of energy there, so keep body parts out of the way!