Neil Spooner wrote:'The bolts from crankcase and propeller were broken' you mean from the crankshaft flange to the propellor? ie the bolts that hold the prop' onto the flange?
If so it's likely to be lack of bolt torque.....not many people check the torque of these bolts very often. It should be done seasonally, as the change in humidity alters the dimensions of the prop'....dry weather the wood shrinks, humid weather it expands.
Well done on your forced landing. Hope the engine didn't over-rev, if so a very good look inside the engine is a good idea.
No Neil, it were the 6mm bolts from the flange to the crankshaft. I now know that in later versions off the Jabiru engine the bolts are now 8 mm's thick. Mine engine was a version 1 engine, in the meanwhile there is the version 4 engine on the market.
As the crankshaft was damaged bij the loose bolts, the engine got a total overhaul. Engine was not over revt btw !
But I am now still waiting for the new wingbolts from airweld to install ! In one of the old bolts with a crack near head was found !!
So the wingbolt check LAA/MOD/025/003 is very important.
Excuse for the late answer on your question.
Rgds Bert