Engine Drive to Fuel Pump

Use this forum to discuss technical points relating to the Nipper and its ancilliaries.
Posts: 95

Engine Drive to Fuel Pump

Postby JAB » Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:21 am

Just a heads up to all owners who have Nippers fitted with a Fuel Injected Acro Engine.

I had a un scheduled engine stop on Sunday at 1500', resulting in a Corn Field landing.

The reason was was no fuel.

The cause has been pointed to the fuel pump drive belt becoming detached.

After chatting to Barry Smith, it appears the guide that is attached by peening to the fuel pump pully became detached thus allowing the belt to slip off. [guide found in the cowling alongside complete belt]. Barry also suggested that there was a probability that a slight misalignment from the engine drive to the fuel pump could have assisted the belt detach.

Of note: This has not occurred before in 30 years of Acro Engine operations.

It is suggested that owners have a close look in this area as no drive no fly.

On the good side no damage is apparent to XD other than a wings off exercise to extract it from the corn field.

I would be interested to learn if anyone else finds a problem.



Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK

Re: Engine Drive to Fuel Pump

Postby Neil Spooner » Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:36 am

Well done John for pulling off a perfect forced landing.......next to a Brewery!!

Hope the recovery goes well.

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS


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