Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

David H

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby David H » Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:26 pm

BARThompson wrote:so you think there is a UL260i variant that is fully aerobatic? so that would be inverted fuel & oil systems, electric starter, fuel injected, 85 hp? Surely that is the perfect solution for the Nipper....or am I missing something obvious?

I'm pretty sure there is a UL260i that has a fully inverted system. The standard has electric start, electronic ignition, fuel injection and puts out 95hp - can't find any trace of where I saw it though - although I think there was a link at some stage on the Twister site, which has recently been revised. Best bet is to contact Ul directly - or the Silence Twister people? Although it basically fits a Jabiru mount, the problem is it weighs 12kg+ more. Altogether too much for a Nipper (in the eyes of the PFA?!)

On the fringes is the ever promise of a 2 stroke diesel, but I wouldn't be holding my breath for the 70kg, 100hp, Gemini 100 - the link about it has been removed from here

P.S. Twist Barry Smith's arm to build you a VW acro engine Shocked

Posts: 3

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby ColinH » Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:17 pm

no i am afraid i havent progressed with the purchase. The purpose of buying the nipper is to practice aeros. I compete in aerobatic competitions and to do competition style aeros, I definitely need inverted systems. That is all that is stopping me. If I can find an aerobatic engine for it, I will go ahead and buy the nipper.

I've got a Pitts with inverted fuel and oil (Christen) for sale. I'm selling it to fund my brand new baby daughter Mk.1 (she's taking all my pocket money). Not everyone's cup of tea, but reletively cheap (though not as cheap as a Nipper!) aerobatic fun. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you want further info, BAR.

Love the site...


Posts: 8

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby BARThompson » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:18 pm

Hi Colin,

I appreciate the offer, but I dont think I can afford a Pitts, they are in a different league to Nippers in cost, not only upfront but also ongoing! My aim is to build up hours and experience as well as doing aeros, and I think the only way for me to do this is to get something as cost effectively as possible! A nipper seems to do all these things very well!

Thanks again though! I appreciate all the help people have given me!!


Posts: 3

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby ColinH » Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:00 am

Understand fully Ben. I am thinking along similar lines, which is why I'm trying to keep current on 'Nipper news'. This forum is a very useful source.


David H

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby David H » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:06 pm

Ah - found a link about the acro UL engine - copied here:

I met John Pescod from ULpower engines at the Popham microlight flyin and after a long chat about the Silence Twister and the Jabiru engine John dropped the bombshell that Ulpower engines might, if there is enough support and interest make a inverted fuel and oil version of thier ul260i engine! The aerobatic conversion will be assisted by Barry Smith of Acro engines fame so it would be an excellent conversion.
I am writing this email to see whether anyone is interested it would be an ideal engine for RF4s Tipsy Nippers and other aerobatic capable aircraft as well as the Twister.
I know that John is looking for writen support so he can put together a buisness plan for the Aerobatic engine so why not drop him an email and ask some questions and give support to this excellent engine.
If you are interested email John at

Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby Neil Spooner » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:46 am


Converting a VW to inverted should be possible without splitting the case. A new sump would have to be fabricated to take the oil feed outside the engine. I don't see a problem. All the other bits are external, and are just a case of modifying and bolting on. You would have to find an Ellison TBI or similar, but again not a problem. I can liase with Richard Kimberley to see if he is interested, please let me know.

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Pat Blenkinsopp
Posts: 124
Location: Salisbury

Re: Tipsy Nipper Wanted - Any condition

Postby Pat Blenkinsopp » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:53 pm

David, Neil,
I cosidered the ul engine but ruled it out as it is about 7 Kg more than the Jabiru and since the UL eng has identicle engine mounts as the Jab it would have taken the c of g too far forward unless i took out about 2" out of the eng mount i,e move it rearwards by shortening the mount. That would have been ok but it would have meant making a whole new set of cowlings. Not a road I wanted to go down. Sad
Is a shame really because the fuel injetion and FAFEC really appealed to me.
All the best

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