New member looking for advice

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New member looking for advice

Postby SvenLenBer » Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:16 pm

Cheers everyone!
My name is Mr Svenning Bernstrøm, (from Norway). I have always liked the Nipper since I discovered it in an article in an old UK flying magazine many years ago. I regularly fly PA-28´s in my flying club at ENRK in the southeasternmost part of Norway. I am looking for a Nipper (project/flyable), but I am in no hurry since I need to sort out hangarage first. In the meantime I would like to get advice. I am not aiming to fly aerobatics, just cruise around and visit local airfields. My first question would be about the choice of engine. I like a dark tone, carb heat and good proven records. Is the Great Plains VW the best one? Any other advice would be highly appreciated! Thanks!

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