Tell us all about YOUR machine.
Posts: 126
Location: Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border


Postby G-BLMW » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:20 pm

Very pleased to have found this forum (used to be on dial-up internet s...o sl...ow so tended not to use it too much but now broadband......wow!)
Any road up, I had better introduce myself, my name is Stuart Millar and a mechanicl design engineer by trade. I have been flying G-BLMW since 1987 after building her from scratch from plans supplied by Nipper Kits. She is a Mk111b (with seat mod) powered by an 1834cc VW with Ellison throttle body and SR4 Mags. I have about logged about 350hours on MW and she still brings a smile to my face every time I fly her.
There we go then, just a very brief intro and after browsing the site and reading the posts I hope I can share a little bit of my Nippering knowledge.

Happy Landings

Posts: 40
Location: Belgium


Postby Mr.Tipsy » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:37 pm

Welcome Stuart, nice to have you with us.

David H


Postby David H » Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:08 am

Hi Stuart - you got me interested now - just how did you manage to convice the 'powers that be' to build from scratch Shocked

I got a response along the lines "the Nipper was designed to be a factory built aircraft and as such is not suitable aircraft for home construction", even though Nipper Kits and Compnents Ltd said they could produce new jig built fuselages. Probably academic now, as I've started into another project, but others may be interested - I had an email recently from Carlos Costa for one.

Tipsy Flyer
Posts: 140
Location: South Africa


Postby Tipsy Flyer » Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:11 pm

Hi Stuart, Welcome!
Was in the same boat with regards to internet access, now on ADSl broad band, very cool i must say. All aircraft that are powered by Vw's etc are classified as "homebuilt" here in SA, so even my factory built Nipper is a "homebuilt". One good thing is we can do all our own maintenance Very Happy
Please participate on this forum, the more the merrier Very Happy

Posts: 126
Location: Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border


Postby G-BLMW » Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:52 pm

Hi David and Glen

Good to be on board.
Didn't have to convince anyone.....honest guv, joined the PFA, decided to build a Nipper after seeing Barry Smith do his stuff in his Acro Nipper at Cranfield, found an inspector applied to PFA for build log book (with fee) and hey presto. Mind you things were a little different then! The Nipper was loosely termed a kit and I did buy the welded metal bits, wheels and tyres etc from Nipper Kits. The wooden bits, including the spar, were built from plans supplied from Nipper Kits with supplements of copies of the original Fairey Avions drawings and a few from Slingsby. All the wood was supplied by Slingsby from my cutting list. I then just carried on gluing bits together getting them signed off from the log book until G-BLMW was born. I don't know what the problem is now because the PFA recognised it as a homebuilt project from the outset and the PFA number reflects this ie 25-11020. Maybe the rules have changed alot over the past 20 years!!

Incidentaly does anyone know if Slingsby produced Nippers were certified to a max weight of 750lbs
and 685lbs for aerobatics. I seem to remember someone telling me this at the outset.....any views? Perhaps this sould be the subject of another post.

Happy landings


Posts: 158


Postby G-ARBG » Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:38 pm

In response to the above:

Note: it is important to remember that for both aerobatic and non-aerobatic use the maximum all up weight limitations of 660lb and 725lb respectively shall not be exceeded as well as ensuring that the C.G limitations are satisfied.

David G-ARBG

Posts: 95


Postby JAB » Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:24 pm

Hi David

I see that the figures you have posted for auw and aerobatic's are not the ones for my Acro Engined Nipper G-AVXD.

My operating limitations as per the PFA are as follows:

Max authorised weight : 340kgs - [748 lbs - ish]

Max authorised aerobatic weight :311 kgs - [684 lbs - ish]

CG Range:14.30 inches to 16.50 inches aft of the datum point.

Datum point is : Leading edge of the wing.

nb: The aerobatic figure was increased by 11 kgs by the PFA after discussion with Andy Draper. He advised me to apply in writing to the PFA and send my current Operating Limitations sheet for amendment. This I did and hence these figures.

I hope this is of benefit.


Posts: 126
Location: Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border


Postby G-BLMW » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:51 pm

Hi David & John

I do understand that you have to stay within the limitations but this is very strange, my limitations are a mix of the two:

Max total weight 340kgs (748lbs ish)
Aerobatic 299kg (658lbs ish)
CG range as Johns'.

So why the differences? Was this as a result of the Slingsby Mk111b as I suspected!! Surely all Nippers would have the same limitations. John I'm puzzled why did the PFA increase the aerobatic weight and what did Andy Draper say?

Happy Landings


Posts: 158


Postby G-ARBG » Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:27 am

Stuart, John

In my earlier reply I ommitted to quote the source of my information which is the Nipper MKIII owner's handbook, first edition June 1967 (amended 6/2/68).
David G-ARBG

Posts: 95


Postby JAB » Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:21 pm

Hi Chaps

My discussion with Andy Draper was to enquire why my permit was taking so long to issue.[ This was due to my paperwork in flight within the PFA ]

It was Andy who stated that XD was eligible for an increase to 311 kgs.

Whether being a Slingsby Nipper has anything to do with it I can not remember. However, a phone call to the PFA should clear up this matter, which I will do tomorrow and post my findings if successful.


Pat Blenkinsopp
Posts: 124
Location: Salisbury


Postby Pat Blenkinsopp » Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:19 pm

Welcome aboard. Good to have new members.
My nipper ASXI is an Avions Fairey built one and has the limits of 311 Kg (aeros) and 340 Kg all up. It has had those limitations since rebuild in1990 when it was re-engined with a Jabiru engine (the very first Nipper to get a Jab).
Incidentally how do you find the Ellison carb?. Im guessing that carb icing is a thing of the past.
All the best.


Posts: 126
Location: Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border


Postby G-BLMW » Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:52 pm


Looks like mystery solved, see Johns post in engineering and maintenance.

As for the Ellison throttle body all I can say is grrrrrreat, never had a noticeable problem with carb ice, mind you I make sure I apply it regularly!! The only minor problem is when the engine is hot after a flight, fuel sometimes 'floods' the throttle body which finds its way down the inlet manifold. This has to be blown out (unless you want to loose your fingers!! Shocked ) or just leave it a while to cool. Apart from that, fantastic Very Happy .

Happy landings


Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK


Postby Neil Spooner » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:25 am

Hi Stuart,

Great to have you "on board".

I also run an Ellison, which I have just had overhauled, and is yet to fly again due to other repairs. I am interested to see a picture of your inlet manifold, as I suffer with uneven mixture problems, the stb cyl's run richer. I have a few ideas for a cure, but am interested to see if anyone else has already solved the problem. I have never had any problems with hot starting due to flooding, but am running the Leburg ignition system which is fantastic.

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Posts: 126
Location: Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border


Postby G-BLMW » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:42 pm


I've got some photo's somewhere Confused , will sort out and send.


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