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Postby G-NIPR » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:31 pm

Hello All,
Just wondering what the status of your machines are?

NIPR is still going well and flying as often as the weather allows.
I had an airborne oil leak a couple of weeks ago, which focussed the mind somewhat, especially as I was
halfway between Inverness and Oban with no force landing sites available. Ended up doing a canopy obscured landing at Oban
after 20 tense minutes!
Turned out that the paper gasket under the fuel pump had spilt and was passing oil.
A field fix got me home and the job was done properly on arrival back at INV.
I took the opportunity of overhauling the fuel pump (SEV 46c) using a rare and almost unobtainable repair kit that I obtained.
Glad to have got it done.
Now all is well again and the aircraft has flown 28 hours since its rebuild. Leburg is awesome and highly recommended. Starts FIRST swing
everytime hot or cold, and never misses a beat.
Hoping for calmer weather in the coming weeks and enough time to get some decent trips in.
Time will be a little rarer in the summer though as I have another Nipper on the way, a real lifechanging experience I have been told!

Tell us all your news.....



Posts: 40
Location: Belgium


Postby Mr.Tipsy » Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:59 pm

Mine is still stored in the garage.

I've sold the engine to the new owner of OO-MLD (which also has an Ardem).

In a couple of weeks it will be moved to the airfield where the seat-mod will be carried out (together with MLD)
After that it will be sand-blasted and powder-coated.

Pat Blenkinsopp
Posts: 124
Location: Salisbury


Postby Pat Blenkinsopp » Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:30 pm

Paul and all members,
glad the oil leak thing resulted in a happy landing. Must have made your arse twich a bit though Shocked
Update: ASXI is now all painted and I am awaiting the paperwork for the three mods I have incorporated( fin rudder mod, battery to the rear of the seat - from firewall. and elevator trim tab). I am currently sorting out the electrics and instrument panel after that is done there is minor work to do on upolstry cowlings and detail work. I hope to start assembly next week.

This Nipper fever is catching because I have just bought another Nipper and will be collecting it in June. It is a nearly complete project and is currently in the Netherlands Current reg is VH-CGB and hasnt flown since 1979. I think it only has about 103 hours total time on it. It apears to be in very good nick and has had the tall pilot seatback mod and the fuz has been jig checked, primed and powdercoated. It comes with a brand new canopy and fuel tank and a very low time (but old )1834 VW engine All the woodwork has been inspected and passed fit by a dutch licensed glider inspector

I will need some ignition as it has no mags and am desparate to get hold of the Leburg items. I understand tha the are not being made any more???

Hope all the various projects and flying is going well Very Happy
All the best, Pat

Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK


Postby Neil Spooner » Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:55 pm

Hi Guys,

All the woodwork is done on mine, the wing is ready for fabric, and had hoped to be much further down the line, but have spent the last 10 days in the USA due to a family bereavement. I got back last Friday, and having spent the weekend catching up with my wife and family hope to get stuck-in tomorrow.

I should have the mod' approved for the Aux' fuel tank under the main any day now.

Re' Leburg, if you contact David now you should still be able to get a kit......and yes I agree with Paul, the system is awesome, just pulling the prop' through very slowly will give you a 15mm spark, one that you really wouldn't want to be on the end of, but great for sorting out the firing order!! Having a 12v system on board is great also.

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Pat Blenkinsopp
Posts: 124
Location: Salisbury


Postby Pat Blenkinsopp » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:20 pm

Glad progress is progressing. Sorry to hear about the bereavment.
Could I trouble you for the contact details for the Leburgh system.
I am not sure which David you mean.
Thanks very much for that
Kind regards,

Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK


Postby Neil Spooner » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:06 pm

Hi Pat,

David's email address is:

and his website address is:

I have a question for you and the forum, my friend Richard Kimberley has recently acquired a motor glider fitted with a Ardem engine, its a 1500cc 42ps unit built in 1972, work no' 863. He has a cracked crankcase and other problems........firstly does anyone have a manual I could copy and return please? and are there any spare engines out there looking for a good home?

Good luck with your new purchase, look forward to seeing some pic's?!!

All the best,

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK


Postby Neil Spooner » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:08 pm

Hi Pat,

Sorry, should have given you his tel' no': 01945 440165

Tell him I referred may help! (not a lot!!)

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Pat Blenkinsopp
Posts: 124
Location: Salisbury


Postby Pat Blenkinsopp » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:28 pm

Many thanks for the info.
Is the leburg still available, and looking at the website which bits do I need to buy ?
eg do I need to buy Ztec coils ?
I have already emailed Richard and will get him to do the engine work if he can fit me in.
I did mention it was on the strength of the very fine work he has done on G ONCS that
I would get him to do the work.
Could I trouble you (via email ) of roughly what the cost of a refurb including inverted system.

I will be incorporating the fuel tank mod in due course (on ASXI)

Keep the faith and let us know when you are back in the air.

Kind regards,

Pat (deaux Nipeur) !!

Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK


Postby Neil Spooner » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:27 am

Hi Pat,

0300hrs......couldn't sleep, still on Arizona time!

I have moved this discussion to "Engineering and maintenance" so that it is easier for others to find if they have any interest............hope you don't mind.

Although Richard is my inspector, I did all the work on G-ONCS except for the welding for which he is approved, and the sign writing which we have done by a Graphic artist. However, Richard and I get on very well in-so-far as we both have very high standards, and couldn't recommend anyone higher than he. He carries approval for Limbach and Rotax engines, and is both qualified and certified to build you an engine, weld and certify his own work, his paintwork is awsome.

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

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