Hi all I see that everybody has allways the same problems with the Tipsy. Weight ? engine type (with a interesting price..) ? Power ? Propeller ? Speed ? Tank capacity ? Starter ?
alternator ?......
What are the best solutions ? I fly since 20 years my Tipsy with the Rollasson Ardem 1600
and I haven't find (in Switzerland) somebody to help me to find a right solution.
I believe that Greatplains can give, for the engine, the solution, but without starter.
For a starter you can see the system by SAUER (may be)
For the propeller I see that Chris Lodge make the best.... but if I have good inderstanded,
it's finish. Can PONCELET or EVRA or another make the same propeller ?
For the tanks I propose another solution. If you see my Tipsy HB-SPQ, the wing has a rounding
end. In this rounding end, It's possible to do 2 tanks with 8 liters pro wing ....
For starter an alternator see the FOURNIER RF3 ?
I do not have the truth, but I am been willing to take part in the forum to find the best solutions for each one
thank you and good reflexion, I await your comments
Charles HB-SPQ
Tipsy Problems
Re: Tipsy Problems
I find your comments very interesting. I have been flying Nippers for many years and have experienced many types of engine from the VW 1200cc versions to 1834cc and Jabiru. I personally prefer the VW engine and have converted a MK II Nipper from Stamo to Rollason Ardem using the original Stamo mounting with a Bendix dual magneto and now Leburg.
I have never been disappointed with the Nipper’s performance even with the smaller engines and my current Nipper project has only a 1600cc engine. Hence I have sufficient fuel without having tip tanks. I agree with your comment that one of the drawbacks with the VW is that no one yet has been able to provide a starter system which can be easily installed or retrofitted.
At Aerofair I spoke to Sauer who I thought had fitted a starter to a Nipper many years ago but despite promises to follow up my enquiry they still have not responded. Perhaps you can wake them up to the possibility of an existing market? I also spoke to Limbach who have a lightweight (?) engine L1700/2000 with starter. They suggested the only changes necessary were the replacement of their induction and ignition system with one which would allow the engine to be mounted normally in the airframe. As you are aware, one of the problems with modifying the Nipper is the lack of space behind the engine for ancillaries such as a starter motor.
Regarding propellers, if yours is an original Z3405 then it is probably the best one for the 1600cc Ardem although I think Hoffman may produce a suitable replacement.
Whatever results of your query, my view has always been that the Nipper is very adequate as it is and is only lacking (as my wife who also flies it keeps telling me) in that it does not have a self starter.
David G-ARBG
I find your comments very interesting. I have been flying Nippers for many years and have experienced many types of engine from the VW 1200cc versions to 1834cc and Jabiru. I personally prefer the VW engine and have converted a MK II Nipper from Stamo to Rollason Ardem using the original Stamo mounting with a Bendix dual magneto and now Leburg.
I have never been disappointed with the Nipper’s performance even with the smaller engines and my current Nipper project has only a 1600cc engine. Hence I have sufficient fuel without having tip tanks. I agree with your comment that one of the drawbacks with the VW is that no one yet has been able to provide a starter system which can be easily installed or retrofitted.
At Aerofair I spoke to Sauer who I thought had fitted a starter to a Nipper many years ago but despite promises to follow up my enquiry they still have not responded. Perhaps you can wake them up to the possibility of an existing market? I also spoke to Limbach who have a lightweight (?) engine L1700/2000 with starter. They suggested the only changes necessary were the replacement of their induction and ignition system with one which would allow the engine to be mounted normally in the airframe. As you are aware, one of the problems with modifying the Nipper is the lack of space behind the engine for ancillaries such as a starter motor.
Regarding propellers, if yours is an original Z3405 then it is probably the best one for the 1600cc Ardem although I think Hoffman may produce a suitable replacement.
Whatever results of your query, my view has always been that the Nipper is very adequate as it is and is only lacking (as my wife who also flies it keeps telling me) in that it does not have a self starter.
David G-ARBG
Re: Tipsy Problems
Hello All,
My Nipper has the 1834 VW engine coupled with a Chris Lodge prop and is fitted with Leburg.
To me this is almost as good as it gets.... the only missing item, and it does alter how I fly, is the ability to air start.
The power from the 1834 is more than adequate, I am airborne in around 15 secs sometimes sooner with a bit of a breeze.
I have had it up to 10,000feet and I can loop from level flight.
We must remember that any adjustment to engine or prop will not get away from the fact that it IS a Nipper. Not the most aerodynamic
of designs. Obviously it will not ever be any RV or similar no matter what you put on it.
I guess it depends on what you want. I fly aircraft that cruise at the high 200knots for my working life, sometimes at very low level (legally!)
I dont feel the need for speed when flying for pleasure, 90 knots is fine for me!
What I want is a strong, user friendly aerobatic machine that is economical and trouble free. With my Nipper I get all of that.
More power normally means more weight. Therefore increasing wing loading, and altering C of G. More weight at the front means more weight at the back to retain C of G. Thereby increasing wing loading further.... and so on.
I prefer a moderately powered LIGHT aeroplane than a HEAVY one with an extra 20 hp.
Barry Smith is currently undertaking a complete re-evaluation of the Nipper and will produce possibly the Ultimate Nipper in the coming year or so. Barry is a believer in focussing on drag reduction as well as power increase. Lets wait and see what the master can achieve!
Of course the other issue with a bigger motor is achieving adequate cooling. My Nipper is on the numbers with regard to CHT,EGT and oil temp.
What I am waiting for is Mr Spooners decompression device to be developed. An airstart optionn will make me a happy boy indeed....
My Nipper has the 1834 VW engine coupled with a Chris Lodge prop and is fitted with Leburg.
To me this is almost as good as it gets.... the only missing item, and it does alter how I fly, is the ability to air start.
The power from the 1834 is more than adequate, I am airborne in around 15 secs sometimes sooner with a bit of a breeze.
I have had it up to 10,000feet and I can loop from level flight.
We must remember that any adjustment to engine or prop will not get away from the fact that it IS a Nipper. Not the most aerodynamic
of designs. Obviously it will not ever be any RV or similar no matter what you put on it.
I guess it depends on what you want. I fly aircraft that cruise at the high 200knots for my working life, sometimes at very low level (legally!)
I dont feel the need for speed when flying for pleasure, 90 knots is fine for me!
What I want is a strong, user friendly aerobatic machine that is economical and trouble free. With my Nipper I get all of that.
More power normally means more weight. Therefore increasing wing loading, and altering C of G. More weight at the front means more weight at the back to retain C of G. Thereby increasing wing loading further.... and so on.
I prefer a moderately powered LIGHT aeroplane than a HEAVY one with an extra 20 hp.
Barry Smith is currently undertaking a complete re-evaluation of the Nipper and will produce possibly the Ultimate Nipper in the coming year or so. Barry is a believer in focussing on drag reduction as well as power increase. Lets wait and see what the master can achieve!
Of course the other issue with a bigger motor is achieving adequate cooling. My Nipper is on the numbers with regard to CHT,EGT and oil temp.
What I am waiting for is Mr Spooners decompression device to be developed. An airstart optionn will make me a happy boy indeed....
Re: Tipsy Problems
Hello Tanks Paul and Devid for your informations. I believe that you are together special good experts in Tipsy-Nipper.
I ask you now, wath is the best solution for my new VW 1834
1) dual ignition (slik magneto and Bosch éectronic) - Bing carburator with cooling -
2) fuel injection system (not for aerobatic) and slik magneto+Bosch
another solution.
If it possible, can you send me the document from the CAA to authorize the assembly on the Nipper for the VW 1834 .
Tnaks for all
I ask you now, wath is the best solution for my new VW 1834
1) dual ignition (slik magneto and Bosch éectronic) - Bing carburator with cooling -
2) fuel injection system (not for aerobatic) and slik magneto+Bosch
another solution.
If it possible, can you send me the document from the CAA to authorize the assembly on the Nipper for the VW 1834 .
Tnaks for all
Re: Tipsy Problems
I have some ideas but I cannot get my photos to upload. Please contact me on VGCnews@aol.com so that I can send you information direct. I am sorry that I cannot use the Nipper site to show these photos. (Can we do something about this please?)
David G-ARBG
I have some ideas but I cannot get my photos to upload. Please contact me on VGCnews@aol.com so that I can send you information direct. I am sorry that I cannot use the Nipper site to show these photos. (Can we do something about this please?)
David G-ARBG
Re: Tipsy Problems
Could you please confirm that you have read and followed the post I have written about how to post photos?
I wrote a step by step guide and I think it works fine.
If you have and still have troubles let me know and I will look into it.
You must follow it to the letter though or else it wont happen.....
Could you please confirm that you have read and followed the post I have written about how to post photos?
I wrote a step by step guide and I think it works fine.
If you have and still have troubles let me know and I will look into it.
You must follow it to the letter though or else it wont happen.....
Re: Tipsy Problems
Hello Charles,
Couple of questions -
What is the reason that you want to fit part electronic ignition to your new 1834cc engine. It sounds as if you are considering using the Sauer sytem which utilises both electronics and magneto , does this reflect on the reliability of the electronics used?
In UK many VW engines use a totally electronic system known as the Leburg sytem. (My MKIII Nipper is powered by an Ardem modified to 1834cc with Leburg electronic ignition system and a CD 150 carburettor fitted to the original induction manifold.
You have not mentioned fitting an alternator, would you do so?
If you think the Sauer type conversion can be fitted into your airframe then why not fit the starter as well. (I note that Sauer use a slightly different crankcase with fuel pump mounted on the side of the case)
Alternatively, if you are considering fitting a single magneto on the rear of the engine wouldn't it be just as easy to forget the electronic ignition and fit a dual magneto e.g. Bendix D 2000. I have used this system and it proved very reliable and easy starting.
Regarding the carburettor, the Ardem induction system can easily be modified to accommodate a Stromberg type CD 150 carburettor which can be obtained ready set up for your engine off the shelf from Limbach.
Now trying to upload picture of Ardem fitted Leburg/CD150 (Paul)
"The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 256 KB"
The Light Aircraft Association is now the Airworthiness regulator in the UK for the Nipper but there are other individuals who you may be better advised to contact regarding your ideas in the first instance. There are so many Nipper enthusiasts using this and other sites that I'm sure someone will be able to provide a satisfactory answer for you.
David G-ARBG
Couple of questions -
What is the reason that you want to fit part electronic ignition to your new 1834cc engine. It sounds as if you are considering using the Sauer sytem which utilises both electronics and magneto , does this reflect on the reliability of the electronics used?
In UK many VW engines use a totally electronic system known as the Leburg sytem. (My MKIII Nipper is powered by an Ardem modified to 1834cc with Leburg electronic ignition system and a CD 150 carburettor fitted to the original induction manifold.
You have not mentioned fitting an alternator, would you do so?
If you think the Sauer type conversion can be fitted into your airframe then why not fit the starter as well. (I note that Sauer use a slightly different crankcase with fuel pump mounted on the side of the case)
Alternatively, if you are considering fitting a single magneto on the rear of the engine wouldn't it be just as easy to forget the electronic ignition and fit a dual magneto e.g. Bendix D 2000. I have used this system and it proved very reliable and easy starting.
Regarding the carburettor, the Ardem induction system can easily be modified to accommodate a Stromberg type CD 150 carburettor which can be obtained ready set up for your engine off the shelf from Limbach.
Now trying to upload picture of Ardem fitted Leburg/CD150 (Paul)
"The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 256 KB"
The Light Aircraft Association is now the Airworthiness regulator in the UK for the Nipper but there are other individuals who you may be better advised to contact regarding your ideas in the first instance. There are so many Nipper enthusiasts using this and other sites that I'm sure someone will be able to provide a satisfactory answer for you.
David G-ARBG
- Posts: 631
- Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK
- Contact:
Re: Tipsy Problems
Hi Charles,
May I offer some of my own experience?
I have the Leburg dual electronic ignition system, there are two versions available, one has motorcycle alternator at its heart. The ignition controllers and alternator are fitted to the back of the engine. It utilises two independant battery channels for dual redundancy.(In fact the system will work one ignition channel on the alternator alone, so that if both batteries were to fail the engine would continue to run.) This system has a proper advance curve, so that engine kick back on starting is not possible, and the engine will work more efficiently providing more power and better fuel economy. It also makes the engine very easy to start both hot and cold. ( http://www.leburg.freeserve.co.uk/ )
With regard to engine choice: I have a 2180cc engine from Great Plains with alloy cylinders which I have not yet built. Installed in my Nipper is a 1835cc VW with iron cylinders. My suggestion to you would be to install an 1835cc engine using the alloy cylinders, these are 10lbs lighter than the steel ones. With the $ rate buying from the USA is economic.
I have "on the drawing board" a decompressor which will allow an air-start. I am some way off of completing the design, but believe it should be a possibility.
The question is why need an air-start? If you are doing aero's without an inverted fuel system then the chances are greater. To fit an Aerovee aerobatic carb' or similar will reduce the possibility of engine stoppage. The other time engine stoppage can be an issue is using Aux' fuel tanks. (The cause of the only fatal accident in a Nipper) I have designed and installed a small 15L fuel tank underneath my main tank. I use a transfer fuel pump to pump the contents of the Aux' tank into the main. The breather system is designed so that if the main tank is already full then any excess fuel is simply returned to the Aux' tank and no fuel is vented overboard. The complete tank and pump weighs aprox' 3kgs. By using a transfer fuel pump rather than switching fuel tanks you remove the possibility of running a tank dry and having an engine stoppage.
Fuel injection is very difficult unless you can find an Acro system somewhere (Look next to the Rocking horse droppings!) I did post a long discussion on this topic on: http://www.tipsynipper.com/forum/viewto ... f=12&t=129
You may have got a message from Daniel with reference to a Canopy, I suggested he talk to you about your mould. His email address is: danielvgonzalez@gmail.com
Good luck with the work Charles, if you need more info' please let me know. (neil@spooner60.orangehome.co.uk) or through the forum.
Some info' on my Nipper can be found on: http://www.richardkimberleyservices.co.uk/12101.html
May I offer some of my own experience?
I have the Leburg dual electronic ignition system, there are two versions available, one has motorcycle alternator at its heart. The ignition controllers and alternator are fitted to the back of the engine. It utilises two independant battery channels for dual redundancy.(In fact the system will work one ignition channel on the alternator alone, so that if both batteries were to fail the engine would continue to run.) This system has a proper advance curve, so that engine kick back on starting is not possible, and the engine will work more efficiently providing more power and better fuel economy. It also makes the engine very easy to start both hot and cold. ( http://www.leburg.freeserve.co.uk/ )
With regard to engine choice: I have a 2180cc engine from Great Plains with alloy cylinders which I have not yet built. Installed in my Nipper is a 1835cc VW with iron cylinders. My suggestion to you would be to install an 1835cc engine using the alloy cylinders, these are 10lbs lighter than the steel ones. With the $ rate buying from the USA is economic.
I have "on the drawing board" a decompressor which will allow an air-start. I am some way off of completing the design, but believe it should be a possibility.
The question is why need an air-start? If you are doing aero's without an inverted fuel system then the chances are greater. To fit an Aerovee aerobatic carb' or similar will reduce the possibility of engine stoppage. The other time engine stoppage can be an issue is using Aux' fuel tanks. (The cause of the only fatal accident in a Nipper) I have designed and installed a small 15L fuel tank underneath my main tank. I use a transfer fuel pump to pump the contents of the Aux' tank into the main. The breather system is designed so that if the main tank is already full then any excess fuel is simply returned to the Aux' tank and no fuel is vented overboard. The complete tank and pump weighs aprox' 3kgs. By using a transfer fuel pump rather than switching fuel tanks you remove the possibility of running a tank dry and having an engine stoppage.
Fuel injection is very difficult unless you can find an Acro system somewhere (Look next to the Rocking horse droppings!) I did post a long discussion on this topic on: http://www.tipsynipper.com/forum/viewto ... f=12&t=129
You may have got a message from Daniel with reference to a Canopy, I suggested he talk to you about your mould. His email address is: danielvgonzalez@gmail.com
Good luck with the work Charles, if you need more info' please let me know. (neil@spooner60.orangehome.co.uk) or through the forum.
Some info' on my Nipper can be found on: http://www.richardkimberleyservices.co.uk/12101.html
A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS
Re: Tipsy Problems
Here go's Paul, see if I can now [attachment=0]engine installation front view.JPG[/attachment]upload a photo.
My very straightforward but now rebuilt engine installation. Leburg ignition (now sorted) with modified Ardem induction to suit CD 150 carburettor.
Nothing special but tidy and now working very well.
My very straightforward but now rebuilt engine installation. Leburg ignition (now sorted) with modified Ardem induction to suit CD 150 carburettor.
Nothing special but tidy and now working very well.
- Attachments
- engine installation front view.JPG (612.27 KiB) Viewed 16870 times
Re: Tipsy Problems and rocking horse droppings
RE Niel Spooners comments above I have discovered a fuel injection control system fitted to a " Cubby" with a 2.1 VW single ign. The systm is Gotech MFI and their website is
www.gotech.co.za The website for Cubby is www.Cubby Co. Za
This looks like a replacement for the VW--Bosch D-jet system and uses some VW components. Sorry this is all I know. Regards Jantar
www.gotech.co.za The website for Cubby is www.Cubby Co. Za
This looks like a replacement for the VW--Bosch D-jet system and uses some VW components. Sorry this is all I know. Regards Jantar
Re: Tipsy Problems
Regarding Gotech system in my last post have just been told that it will not hand crank as it needs 200 RPM to start. Sorry. Jantar
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