Recover-Repainting a Nipper

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Posts: 95

Recover-Repainting a Nipper

Postby JAB » Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:45 am

Hi Chaps

XD is starting to look rather tatty as the 2 pack poly on the wings and fuselage has cracks.
I am led to believe that the only way forward is to strip and recover as 2 pack can not be softened and merged.
Can any of you chaps who have recovered/repainted their steeds give me a steer into downtime and costs to recover a nipper's wings and fuselage plus the costs of repainting either using 2 pack or otherwse.
Paul did suggest a few months ago that I left it alone as I could still fly, quoting his downtime and cost for the refurb to - NIPR [XC]



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Re: Recover-Repainting a Nipper

Postby G-NIPR » Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:58 pm

Hello John,
My experience was largely due to naivety and inexperience in such matters, and also a lack of time and skill to do a lot of it myself!
I had to rely on paid labour to complete my project, and I acted really as a project manager. A question I often have to answer honestly when asked did I build and rebuild it myself!
The gents who greatly assisted me were very decent when it came to charges, and were fair throughout, but it still cost almost as much as it is worth to do the job. I also had my engine rebuilt by a professional engine builder thus increasing costs further.
Pat B would be able to give you a better idea of costs and downtime. I would think £2 - £3k would see it done, and if started now could be ready for the spring.
I stand to be corrected though....
Over to you Pat/Neil...


Posts: 95

Re: Recover-Repainting a Nipper

Postby JAB » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:16 am

Hi Paul

We must arrange a formation trip next time the northern weather is suitable.

I e-mailed Mark Jones at Galaxy Micro's last week and very promptly received a gestimate of £3k for covering and painting fuselage and wings. This price assumes that the strip and any rectification has already been sorted.
This runs along with your estimate quite well - thanks.
However, after having a reveiw of XD the paint, the 2 pack poly cosmetic's are only surface deep and therefore I will only recover when it becomes a problem.

Thanks for your advice

rgds John

Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK

Re: Recover-Repainting a Nipper

Postby Neil Spooner » Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:31 am

Hi John,

I will ask Richard Kimberley what he would estimate for a strip and recover and let you know. What I would say is whatever anyone quotes I would add at least 50% to cover any unforseens. Once the covering is off, any problems need to be sorted before the recover. If once the fabric is off you find the fuselage frame needs repainting, or the stringers/turtle deck are looking very tired, then it would be folly not to do it then............if you find an immaculate frame and wing that needs no attention, then you will can put the extra money into a holiday or something!!

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Posts: 95

Re: Recover-Repainting a Nipper

Postby JAB » Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:51 pm

Thanks Neil

I think that the advice given by yourself and Paul has made my mind up.

Yes,I agree that whilst the fuselage and wings appear to be in good fettle it would be false economy not to refurb the rest.
However, I am fairly sure now that next winter could be planned for this work.

Thanks once again

rgds John


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