G-ONCS finally !

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Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK

G-ONCS finally !

Postby Neil Spooner » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:07 am

Herewith a photo of G-ONCS with her new cowlings and 2180cc engine. Top speed straight and level 108kts, Cruise 90. Aero's so much easier with the extra power. The Nipper Grin is back!!
04102010 030.JPG
04102010 030.JPG (121.64 KiB) Viewed 8884 times

new cowling2.jpg
new cowling2.jpg (550.44 KiB) Viewed 9982 times
New engine 013.JPG
New engine 013.JPG (2.99 MiB) Viewed 8913 times
A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Posts: 126
Location: Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border

Re: G-ONCS finally !

Postby G-BLMW » Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:16 pm

Well done Neil, installation looks great with some fine tin work. Nice to see the Nipper grin is back Very Happy.
How many of those horse powers do now have? my poor old thing only manages 80kts Sad on 1834cc, perhaps I should go on a diet! Any way how much does ONCS weigh now with all those extra bits and bobs.

All the best


Neil Spooner
Posts: 631
Location: Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, UK

Re: G-ONCS finally !

Postby Neil Spooner » Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:46 am

Hi Stuart,

Thanks for the comments.

According to the GPAS 'site I should have 70hp at 3400rpm, and 76 at 3600rpm, tho' I have not achieved any more than 3400rpm at any time(I now throttle back in the steep down-lines during aero's). I am really pleased with the economy, still burning 3 imp gal/hr, but with about another 8-10kts increase in speed. Aero's are much easier with the extra power, and the inverted oil system is much better, no loss of oil pressure during hesitation rolls/slow rolls, or any other manouver for that matter, where I did before, also much lower oil temp's. So the top oil tank has worked out very well.

I still weigh in at 476lbs empty, I worked really hard on keeping any weight out, the crank is 6lbs heavier, but I am running alloy cyl's which are 10lbs lighter, so I reckon I am about the same as the 1834cc engine despite the extras. I saved a good amount in re-routing all the oil and fuel plumbing.

I think the new engine cowlings have made a difference to the cruise and max' performance, spats are the next on the wish list (have made the male mould, just need some time to do the rest!) along with the hydraulic brakes. The prop' is an Ed Sterba unit, which has quite a different profile to the Lodge prop' I was running. G-ENIE now has a Newton prop', it was more expensive than the Sterba one, but would probably work out the same if you inc' carriage+tax. The Newton prop' I would say is a much better quality and finish tho'.

Look forward to meeting up.....I will get a venue calendar going soon, see if we can get a meet somewhere.

A little help goes a long way.
Nipper G-BRPM and G-BALS

Pat Blenkinsopp
Posts: 124
Location: Salisbury

Re: G-ONCS finally !

Postby Pat Blenkinsopp » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:17 pm

Looks terrific and I am very jealous of your inverted system.I can however achieve 117 kts straight and level.
I would be very interested in some spats if your moulds are up to it.
All the very best,
Pat Smile


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